It's like MessagePack,
but faster.
PackMessage is an efficient binary serialization format, optimized for today's hardware. It is also a C library with a simple, yet safe API for fast encoding and decoding of data to and from the PackMessage format.
JSON, 27 bytes:
{"compact": true, "schema": 0}
PackMessage, 18 bytes:
0x82 0xA7 compact 0xC3 0xA6 schema 0x00
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #include "packmsg.h" int main() { /* Example encoding */ uint8_t buf[1024]; struct packmsg_output out = {buf, sizeof buf}; packmsg_add_map(&out, 2); packmsg_add_str(&out, "compact"); packmsg_add_bool(&out, true); packmsg_add_str(&out, "schema"); packmsg_add_int32(&out, 0); assert(packmsg_output_ok(&out)); size_t len = packmsg_output_size(&out, buf); printf("Buffer (%zu bytes): ", len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) printf("%02x", buf[i]); printf("\n"); /* Example decoding */ struct packmsg_input in = {buf, len}; uint32_t count = packmsg_get_map(&in); printf("{"); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i) printf(", "); const char *str; uint32_t len = packmsg_get_str_raw(&in, &str); if (packmsg_is_bool(&in)) { bool val = packmsg_get_bool(&in); printf("\"%.*s\": %s", len, str, val ? "true" : "false"); } else { int32_t val = packmsg_get_int32(&in); printf("\"%.*s\": %d", len, str, val); } } printf("}\n"); assert(packmsg_done(&in)); }